My story

The air turned black all around me and suddenly i felt a cold dripping on my back as i  turned around and i saw lighting faintly through the black distance and i started to see it more clearly but that was when i realised it was because it was coming closer to me a lot quicker than i thought, but the only thing in front of me was a steep bridge that i could not see the end to through the dark air surrounding me so i ran on to the bridge the further i got the more i started to see the other side of the bridge as i noticed that me running is not the only thing making me see the other side of the bridge, the air was getting clearer and so i looked behind me and all i saw was black so the black air must have only affected where i was now that it was a lot clearer i could see some sort of island it was really  small and that was just as i realised that the bridge was about to fall down from the lightning and as soon as i realised the bridge collapsed and i never had a chance to get to the other side yet there was only like 20 meters to go and finally i fell… 

2 thoughts on “My story

  1. Hi Mila,
    I’m your blog buddy, Della! Thanks for replying to my post, I think your avatar and story are both AMAZING! If you have spare time you should consider writing another paragraph. Here are some facts about me: 1. I love dragons and absolutely adore the Percy Jackson series and would definitely recommend it. 2. I love swimming but sadly I had to quit because I have other activities when they are available. 3. My favourite food is any flavor of icecream. 4. I have an adorable little sister and brother who has recently began standing. I can’t wait to hear back from you Mila! 😁

    • 🍉Hi Della,
      I was so exited to hear from you. Some facts about me are 1. i don’t like writing story’s (but thank you for noticing that i wrote one)
      2. i love dogs 3. i play soccer if i have not said already 4. i have two older sisters and the oldest is on a three week camp.

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